Wednesday, November 24, 2010


looking through my facebook top news, saw this written "21 Things to Do Before You're 21".

being a little curious, so i click and check on what is it all about.

nothing extraordinary about it, just a piece of sharing.

what stated in there would be a road trip.

this actually sounds pretty good idea, driving around, enjoying the clean refreshing air. (owwhh, how much i miss the sweet and so much breathable air)

then, i saw this skinny-dipping. well, i don't really understand what is this thou or maybe i do understand but it was all from my point of view. so i Google-ed it. haha..and then, it was actually nude swimming..

this is pretty much extreme, taking all your clothes off and dip right in the water. at the same time, it could be a good try for an 'alone' vacation trip and maybe in the forest? haha..
i'm more of the typical Asian lady, so it's kinda hard to strip everything. BUT, it might happen if i'm out of Malaysia. ;)

saying "I LOVE YOU". this word for me is a not-so-easy three letter words to say. saying it is easy but there must be meaning to it as well, not just i love you and you don't even have any meaning. so, i should learn to say this three letter words with expression and meaning to it. expression sounds a little overboard. kaka..

ride a horse. urm, this is kinda hard for me, because i'm afraid of it. SO FREAKING TALL and SCARY! haha..but no wrong trying right? i'll wait for the time.

see the ocean. ohh, it's breathtaking too. this need a big bulk of cash. shall wait, again.



don't you want this? maybe not for good but at least for a couple of week or months? i would totally love this. this could also be vacation. sight-seeing, enjoying every single moment, smelling good air, hearing the wind blowing, every raindrops. owhhhh~ love it.

SO, from all of this.

the most possible would be,

road trip and maybe a couple of days getaway.

how i wish i can go anywhere without needing to plan it.

p/s: this is not even 21 things. i just state some of it which i feel is kind of possible to me and for me. so yea.

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